Assistant Tournament Chair Sue Sardi, Gross Champion Adrienne MacLean, Tournament Chair Amy Oyer and President Jesse Clancy


1st Adrienne MacLean Somerset Hills 77 81 158
2nd Alicia Kapheim Hopewell Valley 80 79 159
3rd Susan Sardi Cherry Valley 79 81 160
4th Susan DeKalb Beacon Hill 81 80 161
5th Fran Gacos Copper Hill 84 83 167
6th Donna Young Springdale 86 81 167
7th Maura Ballard 79 88 167
8th Kathleen Maloney Spring Lake 84 84 168
9th Donna McHugh Upper Montclair 89 85 174
10th Jill Boughrum Beacon Hill 86 93 179
11th Susan Skowronski Upper Montclair 89 90 179
12th Jesse Clancy Upper Montclair 86 94 180
13th Michele Marcus Baltusrol 95 86 181
14th Renate Green Alpine 86 96 182
15th Liana Chirichella Hamilton Farm 89 94 183
16th Barbara Hulke Roxiticus 91 93 184
17th Gail Pollard Canoe Brook 96 90 186
18th Barbara Colin Maplewood 89 98 187
19th Cathy Fischberg Brooklake 87 100 187
20th Fern Epstein Crestmont 91 97 188
21st Kathy McGrorry Jumping Brook 97 93 190
22nd Sue Naftal Stanton Ridge 93 97 190
23rd Sheila Tappen Mendham 97 93 190
24th Julie Jackson Beacon Hill 93 99 193
25th Doreen Steenland Spring Lake 96 97 193
26th Gloria Shea Deal 94 104 198
27th Pam Cerruti Glen Ridge 104 95 199
28th Amy Oyer Fairmount 102 WD WD

Gross Champion Adrienne MacLean and Net Champion Sue Sardi


1st Susan Sardi Cherry Valley 73 75 148
2nd Alicia Kapheim Hopewell Valley 76 75 151
3rd Adrienne MacLean Somerset Hills 75 79 154
4th Susan DeKalb Beacon Hill 78 77 155
5th Donna Young Springdale 81 76 157
6th Maura Ballard 75 84 159
7th Kathleen Maloney Spring Lake 80 80 160
8th Jesse Clancy Upper Montclair 76 84 160
9th Liana Chirichella Hamilton Farm 78 83 161
10th Michele Marcus Baltusrol 85 76 161
11th Donna McHugh Upper Montclair 83 79 162
12th Fern Epstein Crestmont 78 84 163
13th Fran Gacos Copper Hill 82 81 163
14th Susan Skowronski Upper Montclair 81 82 163
15th Cathy Fischberg Brooklake 75 88 163
16th Sue Naftal Stanton Ridge 80 84 164
17th Sheila Tappen Mendham 84 80 164
18th Gail Pollard Canoe Brook 85 79 164
19th Jill Boughrum Beacon Hill 79 86 165
20th Renate Green Alpine 78 88 166
21st Barbara Colin Maplewood 79 88 167
22nd Barbara Hulke Roxiticus 84 86 170
23rd Gloria Shea Deal 80 90 170
24th Doreen Steenland Spring Lake 85 86 171
25th Julie Jackson Beacon Hill 83 89 172
26th Kathy McGrorry Jumping Brook 88 84 172
27th Pam Cerruti Glen Ridge 93 84 177
28th Amy Oyer Fairmount 93 WD WD